The Itinerant Poetry Library

Since May 2006, The Itinerant Poetry Librarian has been travelling the world with a library of ‘Lost & Forgotten’ poetry, installing the library & librarian and archiving the sounds, poems and poetry of the cities, peoples and countries she meets. Welcome to the project's blog . . . Our Itinerant Poetry Librarian lives wherever her library is - come join the cause!

FAQs: • Yes we carry our entire life and the library with us as we go • Yes, it is quite heavy • No, we're not mad. As Charles Simic said, 'But what if poets are not crazy?' That's the spirit boyo!

We exist to: remind people of the importance of free public libraries...subvert mainstream channels of distribution...remind people that access to knowledge should be free and not dependent upon economic wealth hierarchies... show people that poetry/art can provide answers to questions we ask of life...experiment in existing outside of 'the market' – thereby, instead, investing in social capital, social innovation and community.

We aim to make life taste better. Word.

Where have we been . . . ?

(2006) Amsterdam, Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Munich, Paris, Barcelona, London, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Norwich, York, Antwerp, (2007-2008) San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, Leipzig, (2009) Ulm, Chemnitz, Rotterdam, Huntingdon, Callander, (2010) Cork, St. Andrews . . . Where'd you like us to go? Can you help? Get in touch!

What We Are Up To Right Now . . .


Thursday 22 June 2006

Dresden Street Art

So, we spent our first official Poetry Librarian Day in Dresden today. We are set up outside the bookshop Buchhandlung Im Kunsthof, owned by Christian Bahnsen, who we went along to speak to as soon as we arrived in Dresden yesterday. He was a little sceptical . . . or shall we say . . . dubious at first I think, but after we kept repeating the word free and library plus the fact that we promised to remain outside in front of his shop, this seemed to do the trick and he agreed. So we arrived and set up at 11am. At around 4pm we had the amazing total of ZERO new members. Jeez. These Dresden residents just didn't seem to be down with the whole free poetry library thang. We had by this point however talked to ourselves quite a lot in our head, finished our book we bought from Dave at Books in Berlin - ‘Amy and Isabelle’ by Elizabeth Strout, smoked seven cigarettes, sweated far too much in our woollen librarian suit and eaten the sum total of an apple which was all we remembered to bring. Then our Dresden Hero Arrived. Andreas Schendel. He joined the library. He looked at our poetry books. He enthused about our touring library and collection of lost poetry. He showed us round Dresden and took us to a soup bar. And tomorrow he is bringing a real live Dresden poet to join the library and hopefully agree to talk to us too! Hurray for Andreas! We are burning a CD of one of our favourite band's music for him right now cos he was so great. So, here are some pictures of our Today in Dresden

We love the Dresden Graffiti/Street Art scene! We think it rocks. Andreas says his ‘male intuition’ reckons most of the drawings of people are by this Dresden graffiti chick. Who are you? Where in Dresden are you? Whatever. We love your work . . .

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