The Itinerant Poetry Library

Since May 2006, The Itinerant Poetry Librarian has been travelling the world with a library of ‘Lost & Forgotten’ poetry, installing the library & librarian and archiving the sounds, poems and poetry of the cities, peoples and countries she meets. Welcome to the project's blog . . . Our Itinerant Poetry Librarian lives wherever her library is - come join the cause!

FAQs: • Yes we carry our entire life and the library with us as we go • Yes, it is quite heavy • No, we're not mad. As Charles Simic said, 'But what if poets are not crazy?' That's the spirit boyo!

We exist to: remind people of the importance of free public libraries...subvert mainstream channels of distribution...remind people that access to knowledge should be free and not dependent upon economic wealth hierarchies... show people that poetry/art can provide answers to questions we ask of life...experiment in existing outside of 'the market' – thereby, instead, investing in social capital, social innovation and community.

We aim to make life taste better. Word.

Where have we been . . . ?

(2006) Amsterdam, Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Munich, Paris, Barcelona, London, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Norwich, York, Antwerp, (2007-2008) San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, Leipzig, (2009) Ulm, Chemnitz, Rotterdam, Huntingdon, Callander, (2010) Cork, St. Andrews . . . Where'd you like us to go? Can you help? Get in touch!

What We Are Up To Right Now . . .


Sunday 23 April 2006

Pre-tour poetry starter

So, we thought we'd wander over to Amsterdam for a pre-tour mini performance...and here we are. We came to celebrate a poet's birthday, and take part in a night of wonderful performances at Cafe Bax. The Dutch are really serious when it comes down to providing entertainment. These guys actually built a stage from scratch on the spot, hung it with curtains, and brought in a full PA system, so what with resident piano and chandeliers the joint was very fancy indeed. And an amazing array of artists: mime, comedy, theatre, cabaret, Dutch poets, English poets, guitarists and singer-songwriters: all took to the stage to perform their work. What an amazing night. I can't wait to come back properly and spend some time with these guys and their artforms. Hurray for Holland!