The Itinerant Poetry Library

Since May 2006, The Itinerant Poetry Librarian has been travelling the world with a library of ‘Lost & Forgotten’ poetry, installing the library & librarian and archiving the sounds, poems and poetry of the cities, peoples and countries she meets. Welcome to the project's blog . . . Our Itinerant Poetry Librarian lives wherever her library is - come join the cause!

FAQs: • Yes we carry our entire life and the library with us as we go • Yes, it is quite heavy • No, we're not mad. As Charles Simic said, 'But what if poets are not crazy?' That's the spirit boyo!

We exist to: remind people of the importance of free public libraries...subvert mainstream channels of distribution...remind people that access to knowledge should be free and not dependent upon economic wealth hierarchies... show people that poetry/art can provide answers to questions we ask of life...experiment in existing outside of 'the market' – thereby, instead, investing in social capital, social innovation and community.

We aim to make life taste better. Word.

Where have we been . . . ?

(2006) Amsterdam, Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Munich, Paris, Barcelona, London, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Norwich, York, Antwerp, (2007-2008) San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, Leipzig, (2009) Ulm, Chemnitz, Rotterdam, Huntingdon, Callander, (2010) Cork, St. Andrews . . . Where'd you like us to go? Can you help? Get in touch!

What We Are Up To Right Now . . .


Monday 9 July 2007

Portland Library Pictures . . .

How to Install a Poetry Library in a Park

The Library @ The IPRC

Our Librarian installed her library in the park last week . . . and got a rather large number of suspicious looks from Portlanders walking their dogs. It being 'First Thursday' however, and our couchsurfing host Jeffrey on the spot, he helpfully went off to source more amenable library locations, which saw us switch street venues from park to outside the Portland Art Center, where our librarian set up on a concrete block directly outside the venue and signed up thirteen new members on the spot. Booka! Next up saw us on over at the IPRC, where we installed ourselves next door to their very own awesome library (of zines) and signed up a further four members during our 12noon - 6pm shift.

That's . . . .

. . . for Portland!

Keep it coming chaps!

Thanks to Simone, Jeffrey & Ariana for images

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