The Itinerant Poetry Library

Since May 2006, The Itinerant Poetry Librarian has been travelling the world with a library of ‘Lost & Forgotten’ poetry, installing the library & librarian and archiving the sounds, poems and poetry of the cities, peoples and countries she meets. Welcome to the project's blog . . . Our Itinerant Poetry Librarian lives wherever her library is - come join the cause!

FAQs: • Yes we carry our entire life and the library with us as we go • Yes, it is quite heavy • No, we're not mad. As Charles Simic said, 'But what if poets are not crazy?' That's the spirit boyo!

We exist to: remind people of the importance of free public libraries...subvert mainstream channels of distribution...remind people that access to knowledge should be free and not dependent upon economic wealth hierarchies... show people that poetry/art can provide answers to questions we ask of life...experiment in existing outside of 'the market' – thereby, instead, investing in social capital, social innovation and community.

We aim to make life taste better. Word.

Where have we been . . . ?

(2006) Amsterdam, Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Munich, Paris, Barcelona, London, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, Norwich, York, Antwerp, (2007-2008) San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, Leipzig, (2009) Ulm, Chemnitz, Rotterdam, Huntingdon, Callander, (2010) Cork, St. Andrews . . . Where'd you like us to go? Can you help? Get in touch!

What We Are Up To Right Now . . .


Sunday 14 September 2008

Bibliothek Regelmässig in Leipzig? Die Kassette Los!

Guten Tag Leipzig!

We've been here 2.5 weeks, and so far had the extremely good fortune to get up and runnin' ASAP for the good citizens hier.

This means we've so far instigated four library installations, covering Leipzig Zentrum-Süd, Zentrum, Industriegebiet West/Neulindenau and Lindenau regions of this wonderful city.

That's also 18.5 hours of full-on Library mayhem.

Current popular titles appear to be W.S. Burrough's APO-33 Bulletin: A Metabolic Regulator; Pablo Neruda's twenty love poems and a song of despair [bilingual spanish/english edition]; and a newly acquisitioned item [courtesy of the awesome mzin graphics space] TIPPGEMEINSCHAFT 2008.

Such rarin'-librarian action means we've also managed to notch up . . .

Rock 'n' Library Roll!!

Or as they might say here, Fantastisch!

We look forward to seeing our 17 new Valued Patrons of the Library once again at Our Library Near You Soon.

Speaking of which, we'd also like to formally announce our first Leipzig highly irregularly regular Library, jeden Mittwoch im Die Kassette.

We like the sound of hellauf unregelmässig regelmässig, sich paaren mit Die Kassette ist schön, ja!

. . . and yes, as we did indeed surmise, it turns out that we liked each other so much we are going to be there every week for your every future travelling poetry library need.

Fantastisch indeed.

See you Wednesdays, 17:00 - 22:00 hrs VPLs and VPLs-to-be!

Forgot where Die Kassette exactly is? That's okay, we're idiotensicher!


Meanwhile, trawling the turf that is the VurldVideVunderbarVeb, we found this l'il beauty.

Apparently, some reckless about-to-become-a Valued Patron of the Library took it upon themselves to film part o the magical process during the San Francisco Naughty Librarians Convention back in March . . . or was it April, my how time flies . . . 2008.

Which, incidentally, was the only time we think we'll ever be in a room with twenty people shouting in unison "Do Me Decimal - Do Me Decimal", and suffice to say, we think they were a leetle surprised at our unannounced visit. Such are our hours, we'd like to add. As in case you forgot:

Offical Business Hours:
We are open when we are conveniently open and closed when we are inconveniently closed.


P.S. Got a Leipzig Library venue tip? Need us to come to you? Get in touch: librarian[at]

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